Learning Violin On Your Own? (Read This First!)

Do you want to learn violin on your own? Having a teacher is helpful but it’s not necessary. With the right resources, you can teach yourself how to play the violin. This is a blog post about learning violin on your own; it includes helpful tips and resources so that anyone can do it

Tips To Help You Start Learning Violin

Are you learning how to play the violin on your own? It’s not easy by any means, but it can be done successfully. If learning violin on your own is something you would like to try, read the following tips and tricks before taking your first steps forward.

1) Find a Mentor

While learning violin on your own is possible, it’s much easier to accomplish with a mentor. You can find mentors through your local music school or by asking family and friends if they know of someone who might be willing to help you out. Also, don’t forget about online resources! Tools like Skype make learning violin from anyone around the world a possibility.

2) Take One Initial Lesson

It can be helpful to take a lesson to the learn the basics about the instrument. Learning proper posture, how hold your bow, and bowing techniques will give you a great starting point.

3) Use A Video Library

One of the most helpful learning tools is a video library. Searching “how to learn violin” on YouTube will yield many results. Just pick one and practice the techniques taught in the video.

4) Create A Practice Routine

The more you practice, the better your learning skills will be and the faster you’ll learn how to play. Learning violin on your own will require some learning methods.

A learning method is basically a certain way of learning or set of techniques that accomplish similar results. For example, learning violin by ear is an entirely different learning method than learning to read sheet music.

5) Locate A Practice Space

Your practice space is important to your success as a violinist. If you are learning how to play violin in an environment that’s cluttered with other objects and is full of distractions, learning will be extremely difficult. When learning how to play an instrument of any kind, learning in an isolated area is best.

6) Learn and Use Practice Methods

When learning how to play violin, trying different practice methods can be helpful . You’ll want to know about bowing methods, proper posture, learning notes, tunes, playing scales , learning songs, and learning games .

What You Will Need To Learn To Play Violin

In learning to play the violin, you’ll need a few things. First, you’ll need a violin. You can purchase one from a music shop. You can also find cheap, beginner violins many places online.

Next, you will need a bow. The quality of your bow is very important; remember that this tool makes all the difference between good tone and bad tone. You may also want to get some violin rosin along with your bow. It’s important to make sure your bow is rosined so it will be ready when you are.

If you’re studying on your own, an electronic tuner is a good idea. It might be tough to learn how to tune by ear.

You’ll also need to get learning materials. The internet is a great place to find learning tools for the violin. You may want to invest in some sheet music or take advantage of free learning resources, such as videos made available by teachers that will guide you through learning how to play different favorite songs.

Since it’s also hard for adults learning violin to have proper form without an instructor, you might want to look into getting access to online video lessons where you can critique yourself while looking at the teacher – this way, you can make sure your posture is correct and your fingers are doing what they are supposed to do. Violin learning tools can be chosen by learning style or personal preference.

Finally, now that you’ve got the learning basics down, you’re ready to start learning how to play. The violin is a beautiful instrument and learning it on your own will help foster more of an appreciation for its music.

How Much Practice Time Will It Require To Learn Violin

Have you ever wondered how much practicing you need to do in order to learn violin on your own? Of course, there is no definite answer as it will vary from person to person. However, I have found a few things that can help you decide how much time practicing should be done every day.

The first thing that you should know is that there is no magic number of minutes or hours practicing that will turn anyone into a violinist with practice alone. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect; however, it also takes talent.

The next thing that you should know is that practicing too much can be just as bad as practicing too little. If you practice too much, your arms might get tired, causing your practice to go downhill. On the other hand, if you’re only practicing a few minutes each day it will take longer for you to reach your goals than practicing every day for an hour or more.

More Tips About Practicing

First, it’s important to realize practicing will get easier. That might be hard to believe if practicing is difficult right now, but keep practicing anyway. You’ll notice that as you continue to practice, your body becomes accustomed to it.

Second, set realistic goals for yourself based on how much time you have available. For example, instead of trying to learn a new song in one hour every day when you only have fifteen minutes free during lunch break at work, try practicing small sections of that piece until eventually, you can play it all the way through.

Third, practicing violin on your own may be difficult at first, but practicing with a group of people is always more fun. Look into joining or starting up an online or in-person violin circle (or orchestra if you’re practicing advanced pieces). There are plenty out there where members teach one another new ways to approach their practicing and learning the violin.

Buying vs. Renting A Violin

People who intend to play a violin long-term often choose to purchase rather than rent their instrument. Instruments can be expensive, and buying an instrument allows a musician access to a valuable asset that they will not lose when the lease expires. Renting gives musicians access to quality instruments at affordable prices when they need them for rehearsals or performances without taking on the risk of owning something very costly that may depreciate in value.

Many violinists rent their instruments for a year or two, then decide whether to buy an instrument or continue renting. Those who have reached a level of mastery that allows them to play in recitals and small orchestras often consider purchasing their own instrument because they will not have to return the rented one when the lease expires; if anything happens to it, they can fix it themselves.

Renting also has its cons. Sometimes players wind up renting an inferior quality violin because they cannot tell the difference between a lower or higher quality one. But, quality matters with string instruments.

For beginners, buying an instrument can be risky because they may quickly outgrow it or lose interest in playing it all together; renting gives musicians access to new instruments without losing money if this happens. When choosing between renting and buying, there are three main considerations: affordability, value retention, and how much use the instrument will see.

You should take these questions into consideration when deciding whether to buy or rent their stringed instrument:

1) Will I be able to afford it? Renting is an affordable option for most people because monthly payments are significantly lower than the repayments on a loan. Before signing any contract musicians should have a clear understanding of what their budget is so they can buy an affordable instrument that still sounds good.

2) What will happen to my instrument if I stop playing? Decide if purchasing an instrument makes sense in relation to how often, how long, what type of playing you do. For example, musicians who perform a few times a month on a rented instrument may find it less expensive to rent.

3) How much use will I get out of my instrument? Knowing how long you intend to play an instrument, or if you plan on playing at all, is important for those who must decide between renting and buying.

How Long Does It Take To Teach Yourself Violin

You should generally allow yourself between one and two years before expecting to be able to play simple songs with just a few mistakes. Of course, this can be faster or slower depending on how much time you practice every day. If you only practice for 15 minutes every day, expect it to take longer than if you practiced 45 minutes daily.

Start by learning how to hold the violin, then learn how to hold the bow correctly. When you actually get to play the violin, some simple pieces are more manageable than others. It’s better to pick pieces with slow rhythms and few notes in order to be able to focus more on getting the bowing techniques correct.

Keep in mind that the violin is not an easy instrument for beginners; it takes time and patience to learn to play it. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, the violin will be a lot of fun to play and you’ll definitely get better very quickly.

Can Anyone Learn The Violin

Anyone can learn to play the violin at any age.

Playing the violin is an art that requires dedication, patience, and time to master. While most people are quick to conclude they cannot play the violin because of their age or lack of prior experience with string instruments, it’s absolutely possible for anyone to learn how to play the violin at any age.

Easy Songs For Beginners

  • All of Me
  • Hello Dolly
  • Amazing Grace
  • God Bless America
  • Happy
  • Let It Go
  • Roar
  • Night Train
  • Shake It Off
  • Stand By Me